River: Skin on the Outside

RIVER: Skin on the Outside wasn’t the first 3D-illustrated graphic novel, but it was early. My first copy of Poser, software mostly for posing and rendering pre-made digital models, was of Poser 3, from a CD on a magazine cover, and some of us became “power users” – by the standards of the time – out of necessity: we had to cheat to do what we really wanted, which for me was to make comics.

RIVER came some time later: for those in the know, the figures are DAZ’s Michael 2 and Victoria 2. I made the original four-issue limited series in about a month of intensive work, writing as I went (I like to think I have a good sense of story structure). The art style was influenced by Frank Miller and his sources, substantially Japanese, and the story – well, I’m still quite pleased with the story. No spoilers.

When a friend offered to print some hard copies, I made a single-issue sequel, RIVER: Something to Lose, to fill the page-count.

This new edition for Amazon omits the ads for projects, mostly collaborative, which for their various reasons weren’t completed, but adds some other bits and pieces, under a new cover.

It’s available here.