Amazon, and a hiccup

A long time ago, once I was sure the idea had legs, I offered The Heart of the Home to publishers. It was too niche, they said: everybody has a kitchen, but not everybody wants to read about it.

That book would have been quite different. It would still have worked, as a guide to planning kitchens in the traditional UK mass-market fashion, but it would have had less scope than it does today, and far fewer photographs.

Self-publishing was an option even then, but not in the way that it is today. It’s easy – sometimes too easy – but not without pitfalls. Like the day I realised that keeping Word default settings on one of my devices had reduced the resolution on ALL my images, and over three hundred of them had to be imported, cropped and formatted all over again…

If you buy it, drop a review on Amazon. It helps it get noticed.

The Heart of the Home: Kitchen Planning, Design and Sales for Professionals and Consumers is the ONLY comprehensive guide for the UK. It’s in paperback from Amazon NOW.